An Announcement (Red Notebook)

I’m currently going through my notebooks (2014 to present), and I’m gonna be posting and discussing  stuff from them here.  These notebooks have a lot of ideas that I intended to think about more but never did because I was in school and I didn’t have time/energy.  Well now I do have time/energy, because I am not in school!

This is from the red notebook, which I wrote in roughly in the Spring semester of 2015.  It is a joke announcement that I thought it would be funny if someone said at the Bronx Science commencement, which I attended with Alex to watch Sid graduate.

Excuse us, may we have your attention please.  We would like to make an important announcement.  Welcome to the commencement of 2015 of the Bronx High School of Science.  We apologize to all students, faculty, family, and friends for any inconvenience that may be caused by this interruption to the commencement proceedings.  We assure you that this announcement will not take a significant amount of time away from the commencement proceedings, and we implore you to momentarily divert your attention from the proceedings in order to understand this message.  We thank you for your time and attention, and we apologize again for any inconvenience that may have been caused on account of this announcement.  The commencement will now continue.

Anybody is welcome to (and encouraged to) adapt this announcement to any ceremony they might attend and hijack the PA system to say it.  If it has the desired effect, everybody, including the people in charge, will think that someone in charge is making the announcement until the end when they realize it’s just a dumb joke.

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